In 2003 Kevin Fee, Mike Pickett and John Eberhardt started the Warriors Sled Hockey Team, an organization for children with disabilities from the waist down.
A few years later, a gentleman named Tom Brake convinced John Eberhardt that Woodbridge could support both Sled Hockey and a new Special Hockey team. The joint effort of Mike Pickett, John Eberhardt, Dan Osborne, Mike & Andrew Shapiro and Jon Schwartz started the process of making a team . . . originally named the Wolfpack Special Hockey Team.
After a shakey start, the team is now a viable member of the AMERICAN SPECIAL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (ASHA) and hosts the annual ASHA North/East Camp each Summer at our arena. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you to Woodbridge Township and Mayor McCormac for your unbending support and encouragement.
Thank you to all the parents that help support the team, you make the job of making this team work so much easier. We're all partners in this adventure called "THE WOODBRIDGE WARRIORS".
Thank you to the Executive Board for all the behind-the-scenes things you do. Summer camp, practices, uniform and equipment, budget, and all other activities are only successful because of these volunteers. Special "Thank You's" to Coach Dan for all guidance and another "Thank You" to Coach Ron for stepping up nd guiding this team to great seasons of ice hockey.
It is important that we remember that one of the keys to the success of this Woodbridge Warrior team is the dedication of all our Youth Coaches . .
Again, thank you to everyone who helped make us the best Woodbridge Warriors Family.